
Clipboard clip
NaN:NaN:NaNUntil Hacking Begins


November 3

Learn how to get started with web development by learning basic HTML/CSS/Javascript, as well as fundamental web concepts!

Want to make your project stand out against the crowd? Design @ UCI will be teaching the basic fundamentals of creating an appealing website. This will include understanding the technical component and implicit principles.

Join us for a team formation social where you and your team will play mini games and possibly earn prizes!


November 4

Come check in at the 1st floor of DBH before the fun begins. Be sure to have a photo ID ready!

Join us at our opening ceremony to learn more about rules, prizes, and events we have planned during ZotHacks 2023!

Breakfast will be served from 9AM-10AM. Grab a bite to eat and socialize with other hackers!

Start working on your projects!

Want to add another aspect to your project? ICSSC will provide an introduction to APIs and also go over their own PeterPortal API which can be used in your projects.

So you've built a website that looks nice and maybe even has an animation or two. But what if you want to add a login or save user's data? This beginner-friendly workshop will walk through what a backend is and how you can incorporate one into your own project!

Tired of hacking? Refresh your brains and grab some banh mi on the balcony!

Want to learn more about APIs? GDSC @ UCI's workshop will introduce you to Google Maps API! Set up your own Google API dashboard and learn how to integrate Google into your ZotHacks projects!

Will teach techniques for prompt engineering, applying ChatGPT to various tasks like writing, coding, etc; using chatGPT as efficiently as possible and making it work for you.

Meet with other hackers while enjoying ice cream outside of DBH!

Take a break from hacking to play a game of a different version of Kahoot with fun UCI and ICS trivia!

It's the final stretch, but don't forget to take a break and grab dinner!

Bring our your creative side by doing some arts and crafts! There will be guides on how to make different origami figures.

Hacking has concluded. Great job on all of your projects, hackers!


November 5

Welcome back to ZotHacks 2023! Come check-in and grab a bite before the project expo!

Congratulations on finishing ZotHacks 2023! We're so excited to see all of your project submissions, so make sure to come to DBH 6011 for our project expo where you can look at other teams' projects!

Come out to our closing ceremony for our final wrap-up of ZotHacks 2023! Find out if your team came out on top and celebrate everyone's hard work over the weekend.